The Real WomanJan 27, 20182 min read WHAT IS RAPE CULTURE?Let's examine the differences between a culture that endures rape and a culture that supports it: Young Muslim child with her adult...
The Real WomanJan 26, 20185 min readGENDER REASSIGNMENT REGRETHuman history has told us our gender or sex is not "fluid", it stays constant from birth until death. Could this be why, as gender...
The Real WomanJan 24, 20183 min readWE NEED TO DIFFERENTIATE SEXUAL VIOLENCE Sexual harassment, rape, catcalling, incest, sexual assault, what do these terms mean and why is it important to differentiate between...
The Real WomanJan 23, 20182 min readCOLONIST ANTHONY JOHNSONOne of America's first legally sanctioned slave owners. Anthony Johnson (b. c. 1600 – d. 1670) was a black Angolan who achieved freedom...
The Real WomanJan 21, 20182 min readDEFENSIVE ARCHITECTURE: SILENT DISCRIMINATIONHave you ever wondered why most benches have arm rests now? Or why there are spikes in the concrete in front of business doors? They are...