About The Real Woman
I am here for you!
I made The Real Woman blog as a way to give myself a way to help people, to give me something to look forward to and work on, and help communicate better, I have multiple brain afflictions that make it hard to communicate in my personal life, and I wanted to be able to help others and myself, at the same time. I chose the name "The Real Woman" because I am an advocate and supporter of real people standing up for truth and love. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who saw the trend of people saying, "Real women have curves, Real women are thick, Real women are thin." And men, "Real men are tall, Real men don't emote, Real men are strong." This is NOT the type of real I'm talking about, I'm not talking about some egotistical, outer shell type of real. I'm talking about those who spread truth and who are not afraid of who is going to disagree because it is real and to spread it with love.
If you like informational articles, visit the Home Page for facts and stories you may have never known!
If personal articles and experience is more for you, visit The Clubhouse and share your own stories!
Some things I say here some people may find controversial but it's nothing that hasn't been quietly said before by other people who couldn't find a platform to speak. I'm also posting stories and lessons from my own experiences so I'm not here to be some big news outlet. I don't plan to be discussing things that everyone already knows and always talks about. I plan to be talking about the things that really are undercover issues or issues people may be afraid to talk about or just aren't aware of, and also to have a place to express what I know and feel. Beside the more serious informational side of this blog, Ill also be posting stories, info, or tutorials on other not-so-serious things that I would like to share as well.
Also, please take into mind when you're reading my blog posts, that I am not an official authority on these subjects, I am not college educated, this is all me and my opinion of how I've seen things from my point of view and what I've learned through experience and research. I am also religious, there maybe mentions of this, or pieces with my own religious opinion, so please be aware that when you are reading this. If I'm quoting a statistic or a specific mention that needs sourced, I will always link sources to what I'm talking about when available. Some things I discuss might just be my personal experience in life, so examine things for yourself.
I will also be posting videos to YouTube in April with a wide range of things to watch from video articles and opinion to storytimes and makeup tutorials from around the world!
If you're aware of any news that's happening that mainstream media or anyone is not willing to talk about, please send me a link to your information. As long as it is true and correct, I will post it here.